In this article

Importing Contacts to Your Client List

You can bulk-import clients from the following sources:

Importing Clients From a Spreadsheet

This option allows you to import contacts from a CSV or Excel file

1. At the top of the Clients page, click Import.

2. The Import wizard opens.

3. Click Import Now. Then, select Spreadsheet.

Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 14.35.25.png

Note: You can import multiple nested clients under each contact (such as students nested under their parent, projects nested under a point of contact, etc) or import individual contacts. If you are importing nested clients, make sure to follow the instructions to customize your spreadsheet appropriately.

4. Drag and drop your file to the designated area.

Note: The file can not exceed 2MB file size.

5. Once the field mapping page opens. The column headers of the import file are listed on the left-hand side. The labels of the fields in your Client Card settings are listed on the right (if you need to add more contact and client fields to your account, you can do so under Settings > Client and Contact info. Map the columns in your spreadsheet to the Client Card fields. Select the 'Ignore' option for a column you don't wish to import.


Important: Make sure that the data types of mapped fields match. For example, if you map a birthday field to your birthday (date picker) field, ensure that the birthday in the spreadsheet is set to the datatype 'date'. Mismatched data can result in the information not being imported.

5. Once you finish mapping, click 'Next' and choose whether to Skip or Overwrite clients who already exist in your account:

  • Skip: The import will skip this contact, and no information will be updated.
  • Overwrite: Choose this option when you want to overwrite the existing client with the new contact. 

Note: Existing clients are identified by their email address. 

6. Click Import. You may continue to work on other tasks during the import process. 

7. When the process is complete, you will receive an import summary via email. 

Note: Pre-existing clients who were skipped are listed as Weren't imported

8. Refresh the Clients page to view the imported contacts.

Importing Clients from Square

If you are using Square to accept payments, you can import your clients from Square (available in the US, UK, Canada and Australia).

To import clients from Square: 

1. At the top of the Clients page, click Import.

2. The Import your data window opens.

3. Click Import Now. Then, on the page that opens, select Square.

4. In the popup, sign into your Square account. 

Important: If no contacts (or an unexpectedly small number of contacts) were found, it's possible that you are either syncing from the wrong Square account/property.

5. Review the Authorize page and click Allow to begin the import. 

6. Refresh the Clients page to view the imported contacts.

Adding Clients to Square

If no clients were recognized in Square, you may need to add contacts to your Square list first or switch to a different Square account. 

Refer to this resource from Square to add contacts to Square. 


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