You can securely store and share documents with clients using our system.
Share a document
Sharing a document with a client will send them a secure link to view and download the document.
Step 1: Navigate to Documents. Click Add Document.
Step 2: Select the relevant client(s) from the list and click Continue.
Step 3: Select the documents to share. You can either add files from your My Documents library or upload new files.
Step 4: Choose a Share option. You can make the file available to the client to view and download - or select For internal use only to store the document on the client card only. The client will not be notified and cannot see it.
Request a document
Request a document to send a secure document upload link to your clients.
Step 1: Navigate to Documents and click Request a Document.
Step 2: Select the relevant client(s) from the list and click Continue.
Step 3: Customize the email message
Manage stored documents
You will find all the documents that you have shared and have been shared with you in the Documents section.
Your document summary is found at the top of the page, including your available storage space.
Deleting Documents
Click on any document to Delete it.
My documents
The My Documents feature allows you to store documents you use frequently directly in your account, giving you instant access to them as you work. A list of all the files you have uploaded to your account appears in the collapsible My Documents pane, on the right side of the Documents menu.
To upload documents to your documents library:
Step 1: Click on Documents to access the documents section.
Step 2: In the My Documents pane on the right-hand side, click the Upload to My Documents button.
Step 3: Use your device's file picker to select a document to upload, give it a title and description and click Save.